Zeezrom 2.0 – “The Rest of the Story”

“Sunday Sermon”

Paul Harvey (1918-2009) was a famous radio newscaster and storyteller with 24 million listeners. Before he shared the “punch line,” he would say, “and now, for the rest of the story.

Nehor taught that priests and teachers should become popular, preaching that everyone would be redeemed and inherit eternal life. Moreover, they should be rewarded with money, material wealth, and very costly apparel. (Alma 1:1-6)

Zeezrom, an expert lawyer, was a very prominent Nehorite. He set a trap for Alma, and tried to ensnare him through cunning cross-examination. (Alma 10:30-32; 11: 20-45)

However, Alma’s inspired answers “convinced [Zeezrom] more and more of the power of God,” and “he began to tremble.” (Alma 11:46; 12:7)

This was a turning point. Instead of continuing to ask questions to ensnare Alma,  Zeezrom started asking sincere questions, seeking the truth.  Zeezrom “began to inquire of [Alma] diligently that he might know more concerning the [things] of God.” (Alma 12:8)

Zeezrom was convinced of the truth.  He stood before the hostile crowd, confessed his sins, and pleaded on behalf of Alma and Amulek. “These men are spotless before God.” But the crowd turned against Zeezrom, accused him of being possessed by the devil, spat upon him, and cast him out. (Alma 14:7)

To the casual reader, this might appear to be the end of the story.

“And now, for the rest of the story.”

Zeezrom is Healed and Baptized

The following year, Zeezrom became seriously ill. He summoned Alma and Amulek. After “cross-examining” Zeezrom to determine the sincerity of his testimony, Alma healed him. Alma baptized Zeezrom, “and he began from that time forth to preach unto the people.” (Alma 15:1-12)

Zeezrom Becomes Alma’s Companion

Seven years later, Alma left his church duties and his home in Zarahemla, and he led a mission to reclaim the apostate Zoramites — the worst of the worst. 

And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just – yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them –therefore Alma thought it was expedient that he should try the virtue [power] of the word of God.” (Alma 31:5)

Alma recruited a team of missionaries.  He took two of his sons, and three of the sons of Mosiah. He took Amulek, his powerful and faithful companion.  And interestingly, he took his old adversary, Zeezrom. (Alma 31:6)

Zeezrom went from an apostate enemy of the church to Alma’s missionary companion.  Like Paul, Zeezrom turned his rhetorical skills to serving the Lord.  

Zeezrom is Compared to Alma and Amulek

To the casual reader, this might appear to be the end of the story.

Forty-four years later, Aminadab preached to the Lamanites. “You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ, who was taught unto you by Alma, Amulek, and Zeezrom.” (Hel. 5:41)

Jesus is the God of Second Chances

 The Lord was willing to give Zeezrom a second chance. And just like Alma, the sons of Mosiah, and Paul, the Lord is willing to give every one of us a second chance — if we take it.  Jesus is the God of second chances.

(Source: Bryce Dunford, “Come Follow Me: Talking Scriptures.”)

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